Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My friend told me of this great idea where you make homemade ornaments - it doesn't have to be anything fancy, just from the heart - and then exchange them with family or friends. So me and my favorite in-laws decided to do it! These little guys were my FAVORITE from my parents' tree. You can pinch the sides of his mouth and he talks. They weren't too hard either. and very cost effective. Yarn, leftover ribbon, plastic canvas, poof balls, eyes and pipe cleaners. All of which are relatively cheap. We will be trading them with Nate's side of the family. Tabi has shown her creations already - they are adorable as well. Many of my gifts are homemade this year - I hope everyone understands.

First wind the yarn through each piece of the plastic canvas (15x15 squares). Then wind them together. String the pipe cleaner through the top - use your creativity to make antlers that you like. Hot glue a nose and eyes on. I tied a bow in the end of my ribbon and used hot glue to secure it. Enjoy! You can also leave treats in the mouth for unsuspecting toddlers... :)


Refugee Crafter said...

LOVE the new header! It totally rocks. Definitely my favorite so far. (Not just because of the shoes!) You'll have to blog about it so I can figure out how you made it.

Refugee Crafter said...

By the way, it was Barry and Julie's porch.

Kimbo said...

How the heck are you doing these blog backgrounds? You are amazing not just for your blog, but for your craftiness in general and for always being you :)


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