When Aria turned 1 I got her a new carseat. It's one of the hardest things I've had to pick out since we had to pick her name. ugh. It was so frustrating, I probably went to the store and came home with nothing 10 times before I could decide on one. It probably wouldn't have been so bad, if I weren't so cheap. Anyway, we had heard that these particular carseats were better (Britax), but we weren't willing to fork out an extra $100 for a 'better' car seat. But then we heard that Costco was selling them for about $80 cheaper! YAY!! We get the better carseat and only have to pay $20 more. Thus we get the carseat. One problem - it's denim.

I hate denim upholstry. Especially for girls. I think it reminds me of the 80's. But, it's neutral, so I said okay, let's do it. Thus I wanted to do something that would make it a little more girly, but that could be undone if needed for future boys. I love how it turned out - and fully washable! YAY! She's only thrown up twice in 6 months.

How I did it: I used Cross-stitching floss. When you cross-stitch, you typically break up the strands into smaller pieces. I used all 6 for most of the flowers.I first drew the flowers on in chalk and then sewed over them. The chalk came right out. If you plan on doing this, get a bigger needle. The fabric on carseats can be pretty tough.
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