Tuesday, November 18, 2008

{latest editing}

Oprah recently offered this free photo book. I've always WANTED to do one of these but they're way out of my 'starving student' price range, but possibly a good alternative to scrapbooking. I thought I'd give it a try and see how it turned out. after all it was FREE. This particular site didn't have all the things that I wanted so I did them in photoshop myself. I am one happy camper. I'll let you know how it turns out.

I've also had some fun editing in a 'vintage' mode lately. I think I've figured out a sequence that works for me. Here's the before and after shots. Any suggestions - photo editing friends?

I long to take a photo like this of the St. George Temple. I just can't help myself I love RED!


Kimbo said...

I haven't read Pillars of the Earth yet. I've thought about it, but it looks pretty long and I haven't really heard anything about it. So I'm on the fence. I love Marley and Me. Finished it the other day. I'm interested to hear what you think. I too got one of these books. Yeah Oprah for promotions. I love your pages. I don't have the patience, time, or know how to do that so I just used there set ups and tweaked them a bit. I actually got it today and I love it. It has all of the vacations that Mike and I have been on in the last 3 years. I hope yours turns out great. We are leaving Utah Dec. 15th. It's coming up really quick. We are so excited. We really miss you guys. Thank goodness for blogs to stay connected. Give Aria a big hug from me. Wow this is long. Sorry...

Refugee Crafter said...

I wish I was married in the Salt Lake Temple just so that I had a reason to buy that photo...or at least imagine buying it with our non-existent funds.

I love the vintage editing look! It looks great. If you print it at Walmart, desaturate it a bit. They tend to over-saturate things to make up for the normal washed out snapshots people take. Desaturating it will make it print closer to the way it looks on a computer. I thought it might just be our Walmart's printer, but Springville's and the ones they send in the mail are that way too.

Rae said...

gorgeous pics! You make beautiful things. . .


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