I used whole sheets of felt to give it a little more stability... you can just cut strips and zig zag those together or use one of the other stitches I've talked about before. I just used a zig zag stitch on my sewing machine.
I sewed little black buttons on for the seeds.
Most websites that had any tutorials on this said to stuff it with filling from craft store. I just stuffed it with my felt scraps. You stuff it much the same way you would finish a pillow or a quilt binding.
I consulted this tutorial when making my banana, but used my own pattern. I actually got out a real banana to make sure it would work. This is Aria's favorite. It's the most interactive. She peels it and tries to eat it, almost every time she sees it.
I also made a grapefruit and a carrot... sorry I forgot to take pictures but you get the idea. It was so funny, aria is so used to baby carrots that when she saw the green on the end of the carrot she had no idea what it was.
those are so cute! I baught some for Ali, I wish I could have the talents to make them! Good JOB!
Very very cute!!!
Love those, especially the interactive banana! Has Land of Nod called you to offer you a job yet?
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